Counting Crowns: Kendrick Lamar and the Power of Timing

“I didn’t really have anything to say about [Kendrick Lamar’s verse on “Control”]. It just sounded like an ambitious thought to me. That’s all it was. I know good and well that [Lamar]‘s not murdering me, at all, in any platform. So when that day presents itself, I guess we can revisit the topic.”

—Drake to Billboard, 2013 (link)

I write this almost 24 hours after Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl Half-Time performance, which may well serve as a capstone on a very, very long feud between him and recording artist Drake.

This piece will not be formal - instead, I’d rather get to the brass tacks of the matter.

I’m choosing to focus on the 2024 events rather than the very beginning because of how quickly everything escalated thereafter; to me, they have greater numerological significance, though the timing of all prior events is also curious to me. Billboard actually has a chronology of events here, which you can peruse later. The numerological breakdown in this piece will focus largely on the events of 2024 through last night. A chronology, with numerological dates, is at the end of this piece.

Counting Crowns by the Numbers

I won’t get into the nitty gritty of each artist’s numbers - the ethics of divulging the secrets of a person’s chart, and digging into those of someone who is not my client, are clear to me. However, the numbers can testify to actions already taken. Here’s a few - which will contextualize my commentary:

Kendrick Lamar Duckworth

Date of Birth: 6/17/1987
Expression Number: 9
Life Path Number: 3, formed by a 21 (a powerful road-opening LP)
Generation Number: 7
US Generation Number: 9

Aubrey Drake Graham

Date of Birth: 10/24/1986
Expression Number: 6
Life Path Number: 4, formed by a 13 (a very powerful debt-burning - or sealing - LP)
Generation Number:
US Generation Number: 8
Canadian Generation Number: 5 (because the US’ Governing number is 5, this matters - Drake is a natural expat by circumstances of his birth)

Some Things to Consider

Before we get into the observations, here are some things to consider that’ll help you understand the rest of this piece:

  • Whenever a day, month, year, or season is governed by the same number as a number in a person or organization’s numerological chart, the effects of that numeric frequency are strengthened.

  • Whenever a day, month, year, or season is governed by the same number as a number in a person or organization’s numerological chart, the themes of that number tend to come up.

  • Everybody following the same calendar experiences by the same calendrical energy, as that very energy influences its corresponding collectives; but also, nations have their own numbers that their collectives are subject to. This is why you’ll see me refer to a “calendrical” numerological day and a “US” numerological day. The same day can pass very differently in different places, and this is true even on a numerological level.

  • You’ll see me refer to this often in more recent additions to my body of work, but the US is governed by the number 5 - 5 is the tune to which the heart of the United States beats. When major events happen in a way that’s associated with 5 energy OR during a day/month/year marked by a 5, chances are it’s directly relevant to the culture and influences the “pulse” of the country.

  • You may want to check out the first three essays in my “Against the Waves of Grain” series, which introduces some new numerological concepts and are an inroads into civic numerology. The first essay is here.

  • When a 4 is formed by a 13 in numerology, I personally take that fairly seriously: it can denote extensive connections to past actions and the consequences thereof. 13 is a binding and holding number, but also one that can promise liberation if you know why you’re tied up in the first place; it is a wisdom-conferring number, however hard-won that wisdom may be. It’s not always bad, though - 13 is a number that can create stability, security and protect, too. 13 is a number worthy of our respect. For a pre-2024 breakdown of 4 energy, check out my numerological archives here.


There are some things that I noticed while doing the math for the chronology of events:

  • EIGHT. NO Crumbs: however long the feud had been simmering, Kendrick and Drake turned up the heat during Calendrical Collective Year 8, and US National Year 1. So on a macrocosmic level, you have all of the bells and whistles associated with a Collective Year 8 - reciprocity, boomerangs, power struggles, people staking their claim, etc. - moving at the sometimes breakneck speed of a Collective Year 1, which is what people in the US were experiencing concurrent to the Collective Year 8. Whew.

  • J. Cole, King of Unintended Consequences: “First Person Shooter” is a J. Cole track with features that was released, technically, on his day - he has a Life Path Number of 7, and it was a US Numerological Day 7 when that track dropped. 7 rules certain types of diversions and scenic routes, which can sometimes be intentional and lead to enlightenment. In other cases, you go through the looking glass and come out looking like an ass. I don’t think J. Cole’s done with the introspection his part in this beef should have prompted, but I also haven’t been keeping track of his work numerologically. I will say that this track sparked one hell of a journey, though, even if it wasn’t necessarily about him.

  • Drake and Sixes: Drake may not have intended to invoke numerological 6 energy with his moniker and his choices as an artist, but uh…he happens to have sixes in his chart. Every time he uses the 6 in his work and business dealings, he may or may not be triggering his Expression Number. Sixes are powerful in that they tend to correspond with magnetism, attraction, ties that bind, intimacy, softness, romance, leisure, and a “soft” form of luxury that allows you to relax. In that sense, Drake’s actually been enjoying some of the benefits of his numbers. But if one allows the 6 to enter an adverse expression - through overindulgences, manipulation, and the very things he’s done both demonstrably and allegedly - that 6 starts to act like quicksand or some other slow, sticky trap. For someone with sixes - or who is playing around with 6 energy, either way - vices are the kind of snare you don’t want to get involved with.

  • The 6 God Struggles with 9s, News at 3: several Drake-initiated events took place on a numerological 9 day. I have noticed, however, that things that Drake initiates on a 9 day do not seem to end well for him. Further, things initiated by him or on his behalf on a 9 day tend to be subjected to a greater degree of ridicule, delays, and rollbacks. That is a function of tension between his Expression Number and the Numerological Day, and that numeric tension has a value of 3. 3 is the number associated with not only creativity and networking, but also? Immaturity, childishness, and people not taking a damn thing seriously. Nothing Drake does on a 9 day may be taken with anything but a grain of salt and a chuckle. Because of Kendrick’s personal numbers, I therefore consider Numerological and US Numerological Day 9 to be one of Kendrick’s days of influence as far as Drake is concerned.

  • Kendrick’s Divine Nines: Kendrick has at least two 9s in his numerological chart, which I’m paying attention to because 9 has the capacity to end cycles, initiate new ones, etc. And as the last number in the numerological cycle before rolling into a new one, 9 can stand at the threshold between life and death, an ending and a beginning. 9 has the power to destabilize, too, which is why I handle client cases where 9 is dominant with a specific approach to make sure that they get to enjoy the benefits of this number. If carried correctly, 9 can transform its bearer into a powerful teacher, professor, cleric, priest, diviner, prophet, philanthropist, leader, etc. Professionally, Kendrick gets to play Crossroads Man his way.

  • Kendrick and Fives: 5 is the number associated with unexpected changes, speed, drive, competition, cutting; the strongly visceral, our desires, our passion. But also? Conflict, abuse, violence, aggression, sport, and conquest (of a different nature than the kind that emanates in other numbers). He did “Not Like Us” 5 times at the Pop Out, a move that had people buzzing for days after; that same track netted him not one, two, three, or four…but five Grammys, in what I can only consider a significant display of “call and response” with the culture.

  • The Struggle is Real: the vast majority of the events in this conflict take place on US National 6, 7, 8, and 9 days. It’s curious, even to me. But it also speaks to the depth of emotional commitment on both sides of this feud - it was started, and they were gon’ finish it. You’ll note that each time the dispute rolled into a numerological 9 day, the stakes had gotten higher. This is not coincidental.

  • The Power of Three: The Numeric Tension between Kendrick’s and Drake’s Expression Number is 3, so what I said above applies, but also: any sort of tension, conflict, or competition between these two individuals was bound to generate energy associated with this number. If this had been a friendly competition, the collective could’ve experienced something akin to a creative renaissance in addition to what we actually got - that’s how potent what’s at play here really is.

  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered: what we do under the auspices of a 4, especially one formed by a 13, can have a far-reaching ripple effect. The Super Bowl Half-Time performance took place on a US National 13/4 Day, and a calendrical numerological 2 day. Everyone following the Gregorian Calendar who watched the performance may have felt the pull of the 2 in the form of a heightened interest in the layered meanings, symbols, hidden messages, etc. Long-term, I suspect that people abroad may feel inclined to give Kendrick deeper regard and recognition as a master of his craft; the 2 will assist. I’m subsequently very curious about any future international partnerships, brand deals, etc. As for folks in the United States, we have the additional influence of 13/4, which - if you’ve vibe-checked the commentary from different corners of the country - renders the energy of Kendrick’s performance rather decisive. Every action taken by Kendrick on that day acted as a seal upon Drake’s altered status in the public eye, with positive public support on that day reifying each seal.

  • Drake and the Power of FAFO: It surprised the hell out of me to learn this while writing this piece, but Drake has a Life Path 13/4. Again - not going into details - but what I’ve observed about 13/4 is that it often teaches the people who have it about the continuity of their character, their choices, and their actions. And what they commit to tends to grow. This makes the release of “Fighting Irish,” its lyrics, and the effects of that release…mmmm, notable. Because in the middle of an all-out conflict with Kendrick, you’ve got Drake running lines like “I got my father's habits and I got my mother's permission” and casting aspersions on former allies like he won’t feel it later. And he might. What someone with a 13/4 commits to tends to grow, even if it’s their own destruction. That the Super Bowl Half Time show - in which almost an entire stadium gladly recited a power verse that condemned Drake - took place on his day is why I’m even more certain about this dispute being done.

A Numerological Timeline of Events

small note! ND means “Numerological Day,” and USND means “US Numerological Day.”

October 24, 2023: the release of J. Cole’s “First Person Shooter”
ND 5, USND 7 - calendrically, a day of sudden changes, shots fired, unexpected turns, fast-moving things, rapid communication; Stateside, a day of opening roads, revealing hidden things, launching investigations, mirrors, sleights of hand, dishonesty, illusions

March 22, 2024: the release of Future and Metro Boomin’s “Like That,” which contained an incendiary Kendrick response to a line of “First Person Shooter”
ND 33/6, USND 8 - calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling; Stateside, a day of consequences, legalities, contract negotiations, reciprocity, FAFO, and power struggles

April 19, 2024: the release of Drake’s Kendrick diss track “Push Ups”
ND 13/4, USND 6 - calendrically, a day of “seals,” putting a stamp on things; Stateside, calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling

April 24, 2024: the release of Drake’s second Kendrick diss track “Taylor Made Freestyle”
ND 9, USND 11: calendrically, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day; Stateside, a Master Number day where the spoken word and vision have a very strong effect; a day conducive to prophesy, channeling, strong visions, and an increase projective power

April 30, 2024: the release of Kendrick’s response track “Euphoria”
ND 6, USND 8: calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling; Stateside, a day of consequences, legalities, contract negotiations, reciprocity, FAFO, and power struggles

May 3, 2024: the release of Kendrick’s second diss track “6:16 in LA” AND Drake’s “Family Matters”
ND 7, USND 9: calendrically, a day of opening roads, revealing hidden things, launching investigations, mirrors, sleights of hand, dishonesty, illusions; Stateside, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day

May 4, 2024: the release of Kendrick’s follow-up tracks “Meet the Grahams” AND the now-infamous “Not Like Us”
ND 8, USND 1: calendrically, a day of consequences, legalities, contract negotiations, reciprocity, FAFO, and power struggles; Stateside, a day of trailblazing, new initiatives, fresh starts, unification, leadership, impatience, arrogance, and forward motion

May 5, 2024: the release of Drake’s response track called “The Heart Pt. 6”
calendrically, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day; Stateside, a Master Number day where the spoken word and vision have a very strong effect; a day conducive to prophesy, channeling, strong visions, and an increase projective power

June 19, 2024: Kendrick’s “Pop Out” performance in LA, in which he performed “Not Like Us” 5 times
ND 6, USND 8: calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling; Stateside, a day of consequences, legalities, contract negotiations, reciprocity, FAFO, and power struggles

July 4, 2024: the release of the visuals for Kendrick’s “Not Like Us”
ND 1, USND 12/3:
calendrically, a day of trailblazing, new initiatives, fresh starts, unification, leadership, impatience, arrogance, and forward motion; Stateside, a day of re-imagining, connection and communication, networking, however, the 3 is formed by a 12, which means that things done on this day can “gestate” and are highly likely to yield increasing results over time

September 8, 2024: the announcement of Kendrick Lamar as 2025 Super Bowl Half-Time Performer
ND 7, USND 9:
calendrically, a day of opening roads, revealing hidden things, launching investigations, mirrors, sleights of hand, dishonesty, illusions; Stateside, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day

November 22, 2024: the release of Kendrick’s sixth studio album GNX
ND 5, USND 7: calendrically, a day of sudden changes, shots fired, unexpected turns, fast-moving things, rapid communication; Stateside, a day of opening roads, revealing hidden things, launching investigations, mirrors, sleights of hand, dishonesty, illusions
**A technical Master Number day, which Kendrick
probably chose on purpose and also shares the same numbers as “First Person Shooter”

November 25, 2024: Drake files against UMG, alleging the label artificially boosted the stats for “Not Like Us”
ND 8, USND 1: calendrically, a day of consequences, legalities, contract negotiations, reciprocity, FAFO, and power struggles; Stateside, a day of trailblazing, new initiatives, fresh starts, unification, leadership, impatience, arrogance, and forward motion

November 26, 2024: Drake files a second motion against UMG, alleging defamation
ND 9, USND 11: calendrically, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day; Stateside, a Master Number day where the spoken word and vision have a very strong effect; a day conducive to prophesy, channeling, strong visions, and an increase projective power

January 3, 2025: Drake releases the quickly-removed “Fighting Irish” freestyle
ND 13/4, USND 6: calendrically, a day of “seals,” putting a stamp on things; Stateside, calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling
interesting to me as a numerologist, given that this day shares the same number as some in his personal numerological chart. This also is the same numerological signature as the release of Drake’s Push-Ups, which to me suggests that this is an emanation of the “FO” in “FAFO.”

January 15, 2025: Drake withdraws one legal action and files a defamation case against UMG over “Not Like Us”
ND 7, USND 9: calendrically, a day of opening roads, revealing hidden things, launching investigations, mirrors, sleights of hand, dishonesty, illusions; Stateside, a day of endings, change, transformation, domination, truth-telling, appeals to the ancestors, the divine, etc.; a “decider” day

February 2, 2025: Kendrick wins 5 Grammys for “Not Like Us,” during which the crowd chants lyrics referring directly to Drake (“A Minor,” et al.)
ND 13/4, USND 6: calendrically, a day of “seals,” putting a stamp on things; Stateside, calendrically, a day of “drawing things in,” binding, tying things up, and unification through kinship and shared feeling
This also is the same numerological signature as the release of Drake’s Push-Ups, which to me suggests that this is an emanation of the “FO” in “FAFO.”

February 9, 2025: Kendrick completes his Half-Time Performance at the Super Bowl
ND 2, USND 13/4: calendrically, a day of diving into/exploring deep secrets, the occult, hidden imagery, the unconscious or collective unconscious; deep emotions, explorations, and dreams; Stateside, a day of “seals,” putting a stamp on things
**This is also a critical day because the US is currently in a National Year 2, and 13/4 is a day that can be used as a sealant.


Against the Waves of Grain: the United States and National Numerological Expression